Saturday 17 October 2015

My Flickr Photostream

Everyone loves looking at pictures and videos. Growing up they were a big part of my learning and my development over 21 years! I think people have recognised how important they are in learning. Images and videos are like a universal language nowadays; they can promote you or a company by drawing people in using visual persuasion. For performers and dance teachers they can act like a visual CV showing a director or employer you which is sometimes easier to do than in words. Good images/videos make you look professional and can make the difference between being employed, not employed or a company not having customers buying their goods.

Social media is a huge host for image and audio-visuals they can spread an important world messages, catch criminals and keep people updated with what your doing. However, there is sometimes risks with putting pictures on social media. Your media can be stolen and used by strangers to commit fraud and other illegal acts, plus with GPS technology becoming so big social media users can now see where you have taken the picture and I guess lead people to you which is quite scary – I have my locations turned off! Unfortunately posting images that divide opinions can cause abuse and mean comments, so people need to be confident and comfortable in what they are putting up and only let people they trust see their page.

I have a YouTube account (link below) with a few dance videos I have been a part of but hopefully during this year I will be able to gather enough footage to create a performing/choreography/teaching show reel which will help back up all my experience and give me the best chance of getting a job.

So here is my Flickr page - hope you enjoy and I will leave the link in my blog profile as well!

1 comment:

  1. Great Demi both sites look great - like you comments on the ethical aspects of posting - and GPS! my new thing is the metadata on photos - I understand that in photography people will not accept photos without meta-data - so authorship and ownership issues for digital images!
