Sunday 11 October 2015

Task 1a: Professional Profile

CV's? Hard right?!

I only recently produced an everyday CV when I came back home from college to get some money coming in so had to ask my mum how best to do this. I also have one mainly for teaching so covering my experiences in teaching and dance but also showing a few 'normal' jobs I've had. And also one I would take to auditions which would additionally include performing jobs and also my height and hair colour etc which is important in the arts world.

So which do I choose to develop in this task ... my CV I will be sending out to potential schools for teaching and workshops or a performing one? At this moment in time I feel my heart is where teaching is so this is going to be my main focus but will still keep my performing one going so that I keep all my options open.

I have taken advise from a lovely lady who I have known since I was a young. She has a successful dance/fitness company aimed at kids and adults which I am lucky enough to somewhat be apart of it - helping out and taking part in charity shows with the company. With all that she has accomplished I thought she was the best person to show my CV to. One of the main things she said was to have a slogan/catchy headline summarising what your about and aim to do at the top of everything and even a photo of myself. I decided to look into slogans and the below image shows the guidelines I tried to follow. After researching slogans which were mainly for companies I thought why not include it in my CV because being remembered and different is significant in the decision of being employed. 

"Creative Advertising" by Charles Whittier: 'A slogan should be a statement of such merit about a product or service that is worthy of continuous repetitive advertising; is worthwhile for the public to remember; and is phrased in such a way that the public is likely to remember it.'

After much thinking I decided it would be :


Inspire - I feel having someone to inspire you is very important and I want to feel that I can inspire young and old people with the help of drawing on experiences I have gained.

Drive - The determination in achieving in anything you want to and have love for is everyone's dream and so I wish to pass on my passion to anyone who has a love for performing.

Create - Creativity is important to keep people engaged and wanting to employ you! 

I have turned my CV into my blog profile in my 'About Me' section which was quite hard to expand all my training and experience in a more paragraph format. I'm going to keep updating, editing and experimenting with layouts and content in my CV and blog profile through my degree and further.

Below is the link to my CV ... Enjoy and comment!

Demi Blog CV

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